At cUsmile, we prioritize your overall health, which includes regular oral cancer screenings as a vital part of your dental care. Oral cancer screenings are quick, non-invasive examinations that can help detect early signs of oral cancer or precancerous conditions, significantly improving the chances of successful treatment.
Oral cancer screening involves a thorough examination of your mouth, throat, and surrounding areas to identify any abnormalities such as lumps, lesions, or discolorations. Our experienced dental team utilizes specialized tools and techniques to conduct a comprehensive assessment, ensuring that any potential issues are detected early.
We recommend that adults begin regular oral cancer screenings at least once a year, especially those over 40 or those with risk factors such as tobacco use or heavy alcohol consumption. However, anyone concerned about their oral health should discuss screening options with our team.
At cUsmile, we are committed to providing you with comprehensive care that goes beyond just teeth. Schedule your oral cancer screening today and take an important step towards maintaining your overall health!